From a winding staircase cut into the stone,
you descend into the very earth itself, the walls closing about you as you
make your way down. Do not despair, for there is a light at the
beckoning you forward. As you step from the last step, you emerge onto a
granite ledge that has taken shape of a balcony.
The air around you is crisp and clean and filled with noises above and below. Mingled amongst them is the tinkling of ancient wooden chimes suspended from a feathered dream catcher while far above, you hear the screech of a falcon in search of prey.
Along the walls are carvings that seem to be ancient, but magically made. In actuality, they are not all that old at all. However, were it night, you might be looking at the picture to the right.
Which do you choose?
Turn ye to the left? Or
the right?