to my world.�
So many have wanted to see a page developed for my characters and wanted to find out more about me that I decided to make use of a three year old FortuneCity account to get the job done.
For those of you that haven't had the chance to see the real me, here you are.� No, the blonde next to me is not a significant other.� That's the receptionist here at the office who was part of a group shot for our birthdays last year.� Someday, I'll crop her completely out.� I plan to scan a few more historical pics this weekend, but for now, those of you who crave pictures of others have something to go on.
Now, how about a little personal and character history?� Well then, rather than writing a book, as some of you are aware that I'm capable of, I'm soon going to list out a timeline below that you may click on to access a book marked portion of my life's story.� You may click on them or read to your heart's content.
I was born back in May of 1969, making me almost 32 now, in Fayetteville, AR.� My family lived in and around Fayetteville until my Junior year of high school when we moved to Pittsburg, KS.��
After graduation in 1987, such a long time ago, I decided it was time to break away from my impoverished family and make a life of my own.� I had my own dreams, my own goals, and I wanted my own money to make it happen.� Therefore, I greeted an opportunity to join the U.S. Air Force with open arms.
Being very shy (can you believe it) in high school, mostly because of my family's lifestyle, the Air Force was an eye opener in many ways.� For example, the first kiss I received that was not part of a bet or dare was on the dance floor of a Lackland AFB club during Basic Training.� For those of you planning to join the Air Force and are dreading BMTS, don't sweat it.� Basic was a blast as long as you don't take things too seriously.� Yes, the Training Instructors (TI's) will yell at you and cause a fuss, but it's there to instill discipline and it's generally done to benefit the whole group.� Just do as your told to the best of your abilities and don't let your feathers get ruffled in the process.� You'll do fine.
After Basic, I was sent to Ft. Devens, MA to learn the intriguing job of Morse Code.� Somehow, I passed the INT test and made the mistake of coming into the AF under the job category "Open General."� Morse was interesting though.� Not only did I learn to communicate in a different "language," but I learned things like transmission theory, radio equipment, communication techniques, etc.� On duty, that is.��
Off duty, I wanted to know everyone at the squadron because of my lack of popularity in High School.� I was determined to make it happen.� So determined, that I devised a scheme.� Get to know EVERY girl in the squadron and you will meet all the guys, thus allowing you to know everyone.� Simple plan.� Through that plan, I learned to become outgoing, flirtatious *grins*, and a gentleman.� I actually went on dates.� I'd say my favorite was the tall blonde from the Army...a virtual model in uniform.� Other than that, would be the posh restaurant on the piers of Boston for Thanksgiving dinner, 1987.
From Ft. Devens, I got my dream assignment...RAF Chicksands, England.� I had chosen England because of my affinity for history, my beginning obsession with role playing, and matching the two together.� For those of you that don't know, Chicksands is about 50 miles north of London in the county of Bedfordshire.� While some of my comrades were becoming "dorm rats," I traveled extensively.� As a matter of fact, my first weekend in England was spent in a Mini with five other people, plus luggage, on a road trip that took us south to Stonehenge and then north to Sherwood Forest and Edinborough, Scotland.� England has such an excellent transportation system that it was easy to get on a bus or train to just about anywhere.� Some of my better trips were down to Brighton Beach, Oxford and Cambridge, all over London, and a three day trip through Wales.� Wales is such a beautiful country, but I must admit that by the time I was done with Wales, I was "castled out."
While stationed in England, I met my first wife, Tammy, while on emergency leave to the States. My mother was diagnosed with encephylitis and given a 50/50 chance of surviving, so I was told. A scary thing when you are thousands of miles away from home. However, once I got there, she started recovering and I had a bit of time on my hands. About a year or so later, we were married, though I didn't know anything about being a husband nor did I understand monogamy. My eyes roamed constantly and I battled it for four years..
From England, I was given an assignment to Key West, Florida, another dream assignment. At least it would have been more fun if I had been single. Other than the beaches and the women, Key West was a bore to me. I hated being stuck on that island and only one way in and one way out. I like to explore and I didn't have many options and I despised Florida. Way too hot for me and no seasons. Give me fall or snow and I'm happier. For whatever reason (roaming eyes or bad marriage or more), Tammy and I got a divorce in Key West and I separated from the Air Force after losing an assignment to Bad Aibling, Germany (in the Swiss Alps)..
After leaving the Air Force, I met my current wife, Angela, and we moved up to Tennessee to be between her mother in Florida and mine in Arkansas. Here is where we've stayed and our sixth year anniversary comes up in April. No more roaming eyes...well, not more than the typical man.
After the Air Force, it took a while to settle into a job, much less a career field. Morse Code just doesn't get you far in the civilian world. I tried selling life insurance, managing a grocery store, and even worked for the credit bureau before I decided to strike out into computers. Now, almost seven years later, I've used the trail of jobs where I gained a bit more knowledge from each to obtain the Network Administrator job I have now for a local CPA firm.